I thought frost was a special and unique occurrence in California. I thought it was going to be extremely rare and needed to be photographed. So I got up exceptionally early (in my book) one day to capture the beauty that was created thanks to this frozen weather event. I was not disappointed.... Juno came along (excited more than usually to be up early for a stroll), posed for a few shots and lead me to explore just a little more....

The garden didn't seem to mind the frost either. The oregano, broccoli and kale all survived intact. The lettuce, too! It was later consumed by some invisible snails (which I tried to get before they ate it all, but I was hopeless as I could never see them!), to my frustration and disbelief....

It also turned out that it was frosty for a few consecutive weeks in the mornings (which I had later witnessed a couple of times), and that it is not as rare as I had previously thought (I guess one misses some facts when sleeping in too much). Nevertheless, it didn't take away from my awe and excitement over this spectacular manifestation of winter.